While some people in the United States have life insurance, there are many who believe that there is no need for them to have it. It may surprise them to find out that there are many benefits to having life insurance. These include the ability to care for your loved ones even if something happens to you.
The question that most people have when it comes to life insurance is who should get life insurance, and what are the benefits? Allen & Associates Insurance Inc, serving the greater Albany, OR community, is happy to assist.
Who should get life insurance?
Life insurance isn’t for everybody, but there are several groups of people from whom life insurance would benefit.
Parents with small children
Parents have little ones who depend on them for just about everything, including the money used to take care of them. If you are a parent and something happens to you, life insurance will help take care of your children’s needs until they turn 18.
Co-signers and business owners
If you have cosigned with someone on a loan, you have financial obligations to keep even if something happens to you and you can’t provide the funds. If this is the case, life insurance can step in and help with your part of the expenses.
Sole providers
The sole provider is someone who brings in the main income for the household. If the main provider is unable to bring in income, the rest of the family or household would be deeply impacted financially. If the sole provider has life insurance, it can take care of that financial burden for some time.
Contact Us Today
If you fall into any of these categories, it could be a smart idea to look at life insurance policies. You can stop in or call us for more information at Allen & Associates Insurance Inc in Albany, OR.