Your motorcycle insurance can save the day when you least expect it. Bike insurance cushions you financially when accidents happen, lessening your financial burden. However, like most things in life, your two-wheeler insurance isn’t perfect. Motorcycle insurance has exclusions, but Allen & Associates Insurance Inc. in Albany, OR is here to highlight them so you can buy appropriate “add-ons” to boost your coverage.
Common Motorcycle Insurance Exclusions
Custom equipment
If you have fitted your bike with customized exhaust and wheels, standard motorcycle insurance won’t cover the resulting damage. Your typical motorcycle insurance covers standard equipment, and therefore, you need to purchase special coverage for modifications.
Mechanical or equipment breakdown
Like auto insurance, your motorcycle insurance won’t cover the expenses when your motorcycle breaks down. For instance, if the engine knocks, your insurer won’t compensate you for the damage. For such costs, you will have to cover them from your pocket.
Special events
Going to use your bike to race or perform stunts? Your standard motorcycle insurance usually doesn’t cover damage or liability losses arising from such events. However, you can buy special coverage if you want to participate in such events.
Unauthorized riders
When purchasing your motorcycle insurance, you will state the possible riders that could use your bike. When unauthorized riders get into an accident using your bike, your insurance is likely to void your claim.
Criminal acts
Needless to say, your insurer won’t cover damage or losses that occur if you use your bike to commit crimes. Similarly, your insurer will annul your claim if it’s established you caused an accident while riding under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Protect your two-wheeler with motorcycle insurance
Want to learn more about motorcycle insurance in Albany, OR? Please get in touch with Allen & Associates Insurance Inc. Our sales team will answer all your questions regarding motorcycle insurance and even help you choose the coverage that best suits your current needs.